Solutions: Motors, Drives, Alternative Energy - Switched Reluctance Motors

Rocky Mountain Technologies



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  • Home
  • 3 Phase SR Motors

  • SRB280 Family

    4 Phase SR Motors

  • SR130 Family
  • SR165 Family
  • SR215 Family






































    Our SR motor stock products are divided into two major motor product lines:

  • 3 phase SR motors

  • 4 phase SR motors


    Three phase SR motors can be quieter if a proper geometry is chosen while 4 phase SR motors generally yield the least torque ripple and the highest redundancy.

    We offer several stock switched reluctance SR-motor families: the SR130 family which is rated from 0.4 kW to 1.5 kW, the SR165 which is rated from 1.5 kW to 4 kW, the SR215 family which is rated from 4 kW to 10 kW and the SRB280 familiy which is rated from 12 kW to 25 kW.

    Please select the motor line that best fits your application or contact our Sales Department or our Technical Support staff for more information.







    Motors, Drives and Alternative Energy Components
    Products, Custom Designs, Services, Technology, Licenses
















    Rocky Mountain Technologies is a company dedicated to developing and commercializing state-of-the-art technology for motor, drive, generator and power management solutions. We offer a broad range of products that include a line of switched reluctance motors and drives for SR motors. the SR motor, or also known as SRM or Variable Switched Reluctance motor, offers high performance at low cost. Rocky Mountain Technologies owns several patents relating to sensorless motor control electronic controls that boost the system efficiency through robust, simple control schemes.
    In addition to SR motors we also offer Internal Permanent Magnet Motors (IPM). The IPM yields the highest power density, efficiency of today's motor technology. IPMs have a wide constant power range that can exceed 5:1 while maintaining very high, both motor and sy
    stem efficiency. The IPM combines the best features of AC induction, permanent magnet and SR motors, yet it is reliable and cost effective with a higher level of fault tolerance and redundancy that those offered by AC induction and conventional permanent magnet (PM) machines.
    While we do offer a range of off-the-shelf products many customers seek customized solutions to address their individual , unique problems. For these customers we offer custom motor and drive solutions that they can either source from us or that we can license. Thus, our customers are assured that they always receive the most cost effective solution to fit their specific needs and requirements.
    We recently introduced a line of generator controls and grid-tie inverters for wind, solar and geothermal power generation. This expands our offering from the traditional tractions drives for electric and hybrid vehicle and leverages technology that was develop for power management in vehicles to optimize charging of batteries and power management for small residential and commercial alternative energy installations.
    Finally, we do offer a range of consulting services to clients who wish to acquire specific technology and in some cases custom R&D solutions to enhance their own product developments.. We design SR motors, SRMs, custom motors and we provide motor analysis, drive analysis, failure analysis. We utilize state-of-the-art design tools such as circuit simulation, finite element analysis and proprietary in-house software solution along with an extensive design library for fast implementation of even the most challenging custom designs. Our motor, drive and generator consulting clients include may large corporations both in the US and international.