We offer standard motor controllers and a wide range of customer specific designs.
We are currently introducing 2 new EV drive trains:
- 75 Nm continuous and 180 Nm peak @ 5,000 RPM base speed, 12,000 RPM max
- 200 Nm continuous and 450 Nm peak @ 5,000 RPM base speed, 12,000 RPM max
Both drivetrains achieve a total System Efficiency (Motor and Control) of 96.7% at rated torque and 95.8% at peak torque from rated RPM to top RPM. The basic motor efficiency is at least 98% at rated torque and 97.5% at peak torque.
We will be publishing full product information including price list, photos and full test data shortly.
Please contact our Sales Department or our Technical Support staff for more information.
Motors, Drives and Alternative Energy Components
Products, Custom Designs, Services, Technology, Licenses
Products, Custom Designs, Services, Technology, Licenses