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Ask about our new IM230 high efficiency traction drives: >98% motor efficiency, >97% system efficiency, 100 kW cont.
Ask about our new web tutorial on the: Design of Switched Reluctance Motors and Controls
We deliver innovative solutions and technology to meet your needs:
Motors, Drives and Alternative Energy Components
Products, Custom Designs, Services, Technology, Licenses
Rocky Mountain Technologies Inc., PO 210, Basin, MT 59631Ph.: 406-552-4260 --- Fax: 406-552-4261
Last Updated 9-26-2010 (c) RMT 2010
Rocky Mountain Technologies is a company dedicated to developing and commercialising state-of-the-art technology for motor, drive, generator and power management solutions. We are a manufacturer for Switched Reluctance Motors also known as SR motors or SRM, Switched Reluctance Drives, brushless internal permanent magnet (IPM) Motors, Specialty Motors, Custom Motors, High Efficiency Generator Technology and Low Cost Inverters for Wind and Solar.
We offer a broad range of products that include a line of Switched Reluctance (SR) Motors and Drives for switched reluctance motors. the SR-Motor, or also known as SRM or Variable Switched Reluctance Motor, offers high performance at low cost. Rocky Mountain Technologies owns several patents relating to sensor less motor control electronic controls that boost the system efficiency through robust, simple control schemes. We manufacture Switched Reluctance (SR) and IPM motors in-house and through our partners in Asia where several lines of 3 and 4 phase Switched Reluctance (SR) Motors are tooled. We are also in the process of tooling our new, internal permamnent magnet (IPM) high efficiency brushless traction motors and drives.
In addition to SR-Motors we also offer Internal Permanent Magnet Motors (IPM). The IPM yields the highest power density, efficiency of today's motor technology. IPMs have a wide constant power range that can exceed 5:1 while maintaining very high, both motor and system efficiency. The IPM combines the best features of AC induction, permanent magnet and SR motors, yet it is reliable and cost effective with a higher level of fault tolerance and redundancy that those offered by AC induction and conventional permanent magnet (PM) machines. We now offer a line of high efficiency IPM traction drives with efficiencies of greater than 98.3%
While we do offer a range of off-the-shelf products many customers seek customized solutions to address their individual , unique problems. For these customers we offer custom motor and drive solutions that they can either source from us or that we can license. Thus, our customers are assured that they always receive the most cost effective solution to fit their specific needs and requirements. We recently introduced a line of switched reluctance (SRM) and hybrid internal permanent magnet (IPM) generators, controls and grid-tie inverters for wind, solar and geothermal power generation. This expands our offering from the traditional traction motors and drives for electric and hybrid vehicle and leverages technology that was develop for power management in vehicles to optimizer charging of batteries and power management for small residential and commercial alternative energy installations.
We are currently introducing a line of switched reluctance (SR) generator specifically designed for wind generator applications. The SR generator is ideally suited for wind generators as it features virtually no magnetic losses that result in cogging torque in PM machines and it is immune to overspeed, which in a PM machine can result in over voltage conditions. The switched reluctance (SR) generator offers higher system efficiency than an AC induction motor.
We design Switched Reluctance (SR) motors or SRM's, Iinternal Permanent Magnet (IPM) and other Custom Motors and Custom Motor Drives and we provide motor analysis, drive analysis, failure analysis. We utilize state-of-the-art design tools such as circuit simulation, finite element analysis and proprietary in-house software solution along with an extensive design library for fast implementation of even the most challenging custom designs. Our motor, drive and generator consulting clients include many large corporations both in the US and international. Rocky Mountain Technologies has a network of design and manufacturing partners that enable us to become a vendor to supply of a full line of switched reluctance sr motor and drive systems, internal permanent magnet motors and drive systems and generators and inverters for wind and solar applications.
Finally, we do offer a range of consulting services to clients who wish to acquire specific technology and in some cases custom R&D solutions to enhance their own product developments. Rocky Mountain Technologies is your source for help in motor design, generator design or drive design. Our in-house consultants have extensive experience in motor and drive design and system integration. We can design custom motors and generators optimised for your specific design criteria.
We offer the solutions to become your preferred partner, supplier and vendor for switched reluctance (SR), internal permanent magnet (IPM), high efficiency AC induction and custom motors, generators, drives and inverter solutions.
Rocky Mountain Technologies is the leader in sr, vsr, switched reluctance motor technology and standard and custom built sr, vsr, variable switched reluctance motors, sr drive, sr controls, vsr drive, vsr motor, motor design, custom controls, motor controls, controller design, consulting, motor consulting, srm, drive design, drive simulation. The SR motor is very efficient and the switched reluctance motor is well suited for high speed motor operation. We offer 2 and 4 phase variable switched reluctance motors - SRM - for traction, robots, robotics, pumps, fans blowers and specialty applications. We hold patents on the sensorless control of sr variable switched reluctance motors also known as SR motors and controller design for switched reluctance motors. We have patented high efficiency sr motor, vsr motor, switched reluctance systems, switched reluctance motors, switched reluctance motor, SR motor, SR motors, SRM motors and VSR motor, VSR motors and controllers. We also offer miniature servo drives for brush and brushless dc and ac induction electric motors. contact us for your motor, drive, controller, servo and motion control needs and requirements. For the best switched reluctance motor and switched reluctance motor drives, SR motors, SR motor drives, , SRM, motors and controllers contact us. Our website now features articles on switched reluctance motors, sr motor design, vsr motor controllers and brush and brushless motor design and controller design. We provide motor solutions, drives, electric motor design consulting, motor drive consulting, brushless motor design consulting, drive design consulting, application support and consulting. Our specialty is the design and applications of switched reluctance motors and switched reluctance drives Custom motor design and prototyping services and motor design consulting. Our expertise is in designing brushless motor and motor controls, ac motors and ac motor controls, sr motors, srm motors, provide motor design services, providemotor consulting, provide conroller design services, design advanced control algorithms, sensorless control of brushless, switched reluctance motors and srm. We offer cost effective motor design services, controller design, motor prototyping, controller prototyping for high efficiency AC induction motors, small fans and blower motors, efficienct low cost alternators, high performance brushless motors, sr motors(SRM) and transverse flux machines. We offer a broad line of SR motors and SRM drives. The company also has announced a new breakthrough in low cost, efficient appliance motors and controllers We can help with consulting for your brushless and SR motor and controller design. We help design your motor and controller. We are a custom motor, drive and control system consultant for many major US corporations. We can provide expert assistance in madesign and improving the efficiency of your existing motor and alternator designs. We provide custom software and motor design software, prototypes and design consulting, custom motor design, custom controller design, brushless motor design, electric motor design, controller and drive design consulting with our experienced team of designers and consultants. We are your partner for motor and drive design and consulting. Rocky Mountain Technologies holds key patents on sensorless control of the SR motor, SRM motors, switched reluctance motors and brushless motors. We also hold patents on the design of a unique 2 phase SR motor, high efficiency switched reluctance and brushless AC and DC motors design and operation. Contact us for your motion control needs, we offer solutions for brushtype , brushless, switched reluctance motors, SR motors, SR motor, switched reluctance, sr, vsr, srm, motors, drives, controllers, servos amplifiers, dsp controlled systems, embedded motion control with micro processors, uP, digital signal processors or custom integrated circuits for low cost volume production. We have partners worldwide to assist you with your specifications, implementation and to produce low cost, volume systems for your application. Contact us about electric motors, motor controllers, motor design, controller design, consulting services, switched reluctance motors, switched reluctance motor design. Our Technical Director is a well known motor and drive consultant. Ask us about our brushless motor design consulting and our controller design consulting. The switched reluctance motor is also known as, SR motor, SR motors, switched reluctance motors, SRM, VSR motor, vsr motors, is rapidly penetrating the real-life world. We are experts in custom motor design, custom controller design, motor drive design, high efficiency alternators, cutsom controller design, specialty motor design, high speed generator design, custom starter generator design, high efficiency alternator design, sensorless brushless motor drive design. We offer SR motors for sale. If you require a special SRM we can design one that meets your specifications from Watts ( W ) to Kilowatts ( kW ). Most of today's variable switched reluctance integral horsepower ( HP ) applications. We also design drive and control systems to meet your specifications and requirements for sr motors, vsr motors, srm motors and switched reluctance motors. Ask us about our consulting services for SR and brushless motors, controllers, drives and servo amplifiers. Custom motor design services, consulting and prototypes. We are a consultant to many major US companies. Rocky Mountain Technologies has recently announed its new breakthrough in low cost, efficient drives for appliance applications and high output automotive alternators and traction drive systems Contact Rocky Mountain Technologies for your consulting, sr motor, srm, vsr motor design, controller design and prototyping requirements and for high efficiency, low cost automotive motors and alternators.